Monday 7 April 2014

SHIPS part 2

Heyy it's Kieara and this is the second part of my ships. Please enjoy.

Vampire Diaries + Originals
I'm doing these shows together since they're connected anyway. 

My first ship is Elena and Stefan. For one Stefan is my boy, he's a great guy. A lot of people would say that Elena doesn't deserve Stefan and that's completely true. Elena stopped deserving him when she started thinking that she liked Damon. All Stefan ever did for like three seasons was love her and she had to leave him to be with Damon. But after all that I still think that they make such a good couple.

I also love Caroline and Klaus together. I loved them since the moment Klaus gave Caroline that drawing of herself. Klaus can be a dick(I know mean but had to be used) but he still can be a sweet guy for Caroline. And also after he went to see her during season five to help find Matt and help Caroline admit she had a thing for him. When he went back to New Orleans they mention that he looks happier. Caroline has such a hold on Claus that effects his decisions. I swear she could make him into a better person if she just let herself love him. 

I also like Bonnie and Jeremy together. I know it might seem weird because honestly once you really look at, Jeremy is in high school and Bonnie is in college and the same age as his sister. But they're still nice together.She died for him, that's the biggest sacrifice. But also in a way Jeremy cheated on her but with a ghost, so he also didn't cheat.  

Trouble Maker
Trouble Maker is a duo group featuring Hyun Ah from 4minute and Hung Seung from beast/b2st. These two are so cute together. They're both under CUBE entertainment. They look so good together and they are just beautiful.  In there music video NOW they portray a couple that just destroys each other literally tearing each other down. And they have this sexual frustration and chemistry that just suits each other. 

Gakuen Alice
This series is such a beautiful series. I read the manga. I almost cried so many times. I rarely cry when it comes to watching a series or reading. But their relationship is just so beautiful. I know it's weird because throughout majority of the manga they're both around twelve years old. But still they get engaged, they care for each other in such weird ways. And Natsume is just so amazing but also such a mean guy. 

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