Saturday 15 March 2014

Arcana Famiglia

Heyy everyone. Sorry I didn't update yesterday but I was busy. I went out, slept over at a friends house. But I did have time to watch an anime series that I have been watching of recently

Well for the past 3 days I have been watching The Arcana Famiglia. And I would like to say that its a good show. 


Well being me, I of course has a ship that was princess and Liberta. I wanted them t

ogether really bad but then there was nova and he was a great guy to. So in end my ship was kinda ruined because I shipped them both with princess (her name is really Felicita I just got in the habit of calling her princess). But out of the two I really liked Liberta. I thought they would look good together (Felicita)

But then there was Nova. Nova is a nice guy that I personally find amazing. He made confused because he also liked Felicita and I was actually kinda okay with them together. He is a great guy and I wouldn't mind being with him if I was her.

But also being me and I also ship guys I shipped Nova and Liberta togther as my gay couple. I know sad right. But after liking Kpop for so long and shipping members together, I just gotten into habit of at least having one gay ship. And plus if you watched the show you would get me. They are so perfect together and should be couple. Like how they just have this unspoken chemistry between them. How they could be considered best friends or maybe something more only if Felicita was out of the picture. 

But with the story line, I liked the ending but I wished princess actually chose who she loves (between Nova and Liberta). But what am I to say when I only watched the episodes that are dubbed. I'm not even
sure if they have more episodes if they do I will watch them.  In conclusion the show was really good.


Wednesday 12 March 2014

A personal problem

The following post is about a personal problem I needed to write and just let out there but you don't have to read it if you don't want to. I won't often do this unless I feel like I just need to let it out when I can't talk to anyone. 

Ok so I'm having one of those thinking moments and I really need to just write it out and let it go. My feelings are so confused. In the past I really liked this guy but we were really close friends (like we grew up together and we're like brother and sister). But of course me and my stupid self decided to like him but he didn't like me. But whatever that's in the past now I don't like him. But in a way I miss liking him(in a way). Like I never really had a crush on someone (this happened like 3 years ago) and some of my friends think I never moved on. But I swear I don't like him like that anymore. And I hate myself for this but I think I might have feelings for his brother. And his brother is nice and mean at the same time. The one I liked before was sweet and cute and charming but his brother was the rude and arrogant one and still is to this moment. But when him (the one I not sure if I like) and his sister got into an argument I decided to kinda be stupid again and tell them my whole life story and tell them they should trust each other and etc. And in the end he is probably the only guy that truly knows me and excepts me for me. And is one of the only guys that are truly open with me, that I trust fully. And this makes me think back to "ENDER'S GAME" when Ender kinda says that once you truly know someone you can't help but love them the way they love themselves and I believe that is so true. But I don't want to love him or even like him. His to precious to me and I'm not even sure if he likes me for god's sake (sorry for that if anyone is religious) but I can't help but feel the way I do. But I also can't lose him, I don't want to risk it. And he's kinda a player and has dated many girls in the past (he dating 3 girls within 1 year). And he also has a stupid goal to date 7 best friends and he's has about 3 left to go. I'm so confused but I really thought I could let it all out if I just write it out and plus it's not like anyone's going to tell on me right? I just really wanted to let it out instead of keeping it all bundled in. Oh and plus another downside to this is their sister is my best friend and she doesn't want me liking her brothers because it's weird. 


Sword Art Online

Recently I watched SAO and this show is really good. If you haven't watched it I suggest you don't read the rest of this post. It'll be a spoiler for you.

This show is really well played out. I liked how Asuna and Kirito worked together and fell in love with each other. I also found it cool that Kirito was considered a beater instead of a beta tester the concept was pretty cool. The first episode might seem kinda slow but it really helps understand what the whole show is about and the way Kirito thinks. Also I found it kinda hard to follow when they kinda swiched between the game SAO to ALFheim online. Then also at the end when Kirito went to Asuna when she was in the hospital and then Kirito got into that fight with that guy that wanted Asuna all for himself. But in the end the show was really good. I liked it a lot. 

And I can't wait until the next season of SAO or also now known as GGO (gun gale online). But I guess us fans of SAO will be in store for another action packed season and maybe more interesting twists. I saw the pictures for it and it looks like in this season Kirito has a girl character but we never know. Unless you read the manga. But for those of us who didn't guess we'll wait.



Hey it's Kieara and I really wanted to post this. Well everyone in the KPOP world should know that Woohyun and Key are the new group SM and Woollim have created. When I heard this I thought it was one of the best ideas since Key and Woohyun are already best friends why not. If you haven't watched it check out the video please. 



Hey!!!! This is Kieara and this is my first real blog. I tried this out for one of my projects and I found out that I really like using a blog so I decided to make my own and use it for anything I feel like. I will post when ever I feel like, so maybe everyday or once a week. It depends if I have the time to or not. 

Maybe I should do an introduction.

Well my name is Kieara, I'm 15 years old. I live in Canada but I'm born in the Caribbean I came here at a very young age, so I lived here most of my life. I have a wide area of interest. For example I like watching movies from all over the world, I like watching kdramas and I listen to lots of music. When it comes to music I like Kpop, french music and Mpop (sorry I'm not sure what you'll call Chinese music). But don't get me wrong I still like my Chris Brown and my Shakira and my Rihanna. School wise, I'm in french immersion so I have been learning french for about 10 years but I admit I'm not completely fluent yet in it. I am learning Korean and Chinese for personal reasons and many stupid deals I have made in the past. But whatever I'll learn. Hey if anyone has grammar charts for any of those languages please help me. 

Well this is me hope you enjoy my blog.