Wednesday 12 March 2014


Hey!!!! This is Kieara and this is my first real blog. I tried this out for one of my projects and I found out that I really like using a blog so I decided to make my own and use it for anything I feel like. I will post when ever I feel like, so maybe everyday or once a week. It depends if I have the time to or not. 

Maybe I should do an introduction.

Well my name is Kieara, I'm 15 years old. I live in Canada but I'm born in the Caribbean I came here at a very young age, so I lived here most of my life. I have a wide area of interest. For example I like watching movies from all over the world, I like watching kdramas and I listen to lots of music. When it comes to music I like Kpop, french music and Mpop (sorry I'm not sure what you'll call Chinese music). But don't get me wrong I still like my Chris Brown and my Shakira and my Rihanna. School wise, I'm in french immersion so I have been learning french for about 10 years but I admit I'm not completely fluent yet in it. I am learning Korean and Chinese for personal reasons and many stupid deals I have made in the past. But whatever I'll learn. Hey if anyone has grammar charts for any of those languages please help me. 

Well this is me hope you enjoy my blog. 

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