Saturday 15 March 2014

Arcana Famiglia

Heyy everyone. Sorry I didn't update yesterday but I was busy. I went out, slept over at a friends house. But I did have time to watch an anime series that I have been watching of recently

Well for the past 3 days I have been watching The Arcana Famiglia. And I would like to say that its a good show. 


Well being me, I of course has a ship that was princess and Liberta. I wanted them t

ogether really bad but then there was nova and he was a great guy to. So in end my ship was kinda ruined because I shipped them both with princess (her name is really Felicita I just got in the habit of calling her princess). But out of the two I really liked Liberta. I thought they would look good together (Felicita)

But then there was Nova. Nova is a nice guy that I personally find amazing. He made confused because he also liked Felicita and I was actually kinda okay with them together. He is a great guy and I wouldn't mind being with him if I was her.

But also being me and I also ship guys I shipped Nova and Liberta togther as my gay couple. I know sad right. But after liking Kpop for so long and shipping members together, I just gotten into habit of at least having one gay ship. And plus if you watched the show you would get me. They are so perfect together and should be couple. Like how they just have this unspoken chemistry between them. How they could be considered best friends or maybe something more only if Felicita was out of the picture. 

But with the story line, I liked the ending but I wished princess actually chose who she loves (between Nova and Liberta). But what am I to say when I only watched the episodes that are dubbed. I'm not even
sure if they have more episodes if they do I will watch them.  In conclusion the show was really good.


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